
Continued Fractions with Multiple Limits


For integers m2m \geq 2, we study divergent continued fractions whose numerators and denominators in each of the mm arithmetic progressions modulo mm converge. Special cases give, among other things, an infinite sequence of divergence theorems, the first of which is the classical Stern-Stolz theorem. We give a theorem on a general class of Poincar{\'e} type recurrences which shows that they tend to limits when the limits are taken in residue classes and the roots of their characteristic polynomials are distinct roots of unity. We also generalize a curious qq-continued fraction of Ramanujan's with three limits to a continued fraction with kk distinct limit points, k2k\geq 2. The kk limits are evaluated in terms of ratios of certain unusual qq series. Finally, we show how to use Daniel Bernoulli's continued fraction in an elementary way to create analytic continued fractions with mm limit points, for any positive integer m2m \geq 2.Comment: 29 pages. Updated/new conten

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