Generated Inner Products


Bu çal ³mada, bir üreteç yard m yla reel say lar cismine e³de§er olan, s ral cisimlerde de§er alan ve üretilen iç çarp mlar diye adland r lan dönü³ümler tan mlanm ³t r. Bu tan mdan yola ç karak klasik iç çarp m uzay teorisinin bir geni³lemesi olarak üretilen iç çarp m uzaylar n n temel özellikleri incelenmi³tir. Seçilen üreteçlere göre üretilen vektör uzaylar ve üretilen iç çarp m uzaylar incelenmi³, yeni kavramlar n farkl l klar ortaya ç kar lm ³ ve bu kavramlar üzerine birtak m sonuçlar verilmi³tir. Üretilen iç çarp m uzaylar n n yap s n n operatörlerin karakteristik özelliklerini belirledi§i gösterilmi³tir. Bilim KoduIn this study, transformations, which are equivalent to real numbers with a generator, are called the inner products which are valued and produced in sequential objects. Based on this de nition, the main characteristics of the inner product spaces produced as an expansion of the classical inner product space theory were investigated. The vector spaces produced according to the selected generators and the inner product spaces produced were examined and the di erences between the new concepts were revealed and some results were given on these concepts. It has been shown that the structure of the inner product spaces produced determines the characteristics of the operator

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