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Not AvailableTerminal heat stress has detrimental effect on the growth and yield of wheat. Very limited information is available on heat stress-associated active proteins (SAAPs) in wheat. Here, we have identified 159 protein groups with 4271 SAAPs in control (22 +/- 3 degrees C) and HS-treated (38 degrees C, 2h) wheat cvs. HD2985 and HD2329 using iTRAQ. We identified 3600 proteins to be upregulated and 5825 proteins to be downregulated in both the wheat cvs. under HS. We observed 60.3% of the common SAAPs showing upregulation in HD2985 (thermotolerant) and downregulation in HD2329 (thermosusceptible) under HS. GO analysis showed proton transport (molecular), photosynthesis (biological), and ATP binding (cellular) to be most altered under HS. Most of the SAAPs identified were observed to be chloroplast localized and involved in photosynthesis. Carboxylase enzyme was observed most abundant active enzymes in wheat under HS. An increase in the degradative isoenzymes (/-amylases) was observed, as compared to biosynthesis enzymes (ADP-glucophosphorylase, soluble starch synthase, etc.) under HS. Transcript profiling showed very high relative fold expression of HSP17, CDPK, Cu/Zn SOD, whereas downregulation of AGPase, SSS under HS. The identified SAAPs can be used for targeted protein-based precision wheat-breeding program for the development of climate-smart' wheat.Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) under National Innovation on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project [12/115 TG 3079]CABin project [(21-56) TG3064

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