Llampedusa: scritture oltre la cenere"


The paper reads some creative renderings of the migratory events taking place in the contemporary Mediterranean: Les Clandestines by Youssouf Amin Elalamy (2000), Trilogia del Naufragio by Lina Prosa (2013), with a reference to the video-installation Asmat–Nomi by Dagmawi Yimer (2015). Its main concern is the question of testimony, assuming the critical stand that writing participates to the witnessing of the tragic destinies of migration today by proving its own engagement in poetry and evocation. Narration, theatre and visuality become the loci of a personal and collective involvement that opens up spaces for the elaboration of human suffering and mourning, and together, for the respect of alterity that promises the advent of a different future. “Difference” comes on the stage of the article’s writing through the Derridean deconstruction of the holocaust and its ashes

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