A review of Terahertz technology and Metamaterial based electromagnetic absorber at Terahertz band


 Terahertz (THz) technology, a new step towards the wireless communication is a recent topic of research. THz radiation has unique properties which make it better than microwaves, infrared, X-rays, etc. These radiations have wide applications in various fields like imaging, spectroscopy, security, biomedicine, sub-millimeter astronomy, in communication, etc. THz radiation sources and detectors play a vital role in the THz communication system.  The sources and detectors for THz radiation are still in a developing stage. As in naturally occurring materials, there is lack of good terahertz characteristic, so researchers are moving towards artificial one, i.e., the metamaterial based design. Metamaterial based design of generation and detection of THz radiation is the recent demands in the field of THz communication. Hence, we are focussing on the metamaterial based terahertz transmitter and receiver. So in this paper, a brief study of the THz technology based on metamaterial has been carried out and presented here

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