Impact of Evaporation on the Performance of Ant Colony Optimization-Based Routing Protocols on the Wireless Sensor Network


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has the characteristics limited computing, memory and energy, so a routing protocol that supports WSN network performance is needed. Routing protocols based Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) are very suitable for use in WSN for routing data packets. In this report, we will try out several kinds of parameter values that bear on the pheromone evaporation (ρ) on the ACO algorithms applied to the WSN routing protocol with grid topology on the number of nodes variables in the WSN network. Where this can increase the number of delivery packets on a busy WSN network and each node transmits a packet continuously. From the results, the value of ρ 0.75 makes WSN performance on the grid topology with the number of nodes 12 and 30 very good in terms of the delivery packet, but with the number of nodes 70 the value of ρ 0.70 makes WSN performance better than the delivery packet side

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