L’APP Mind Inclusion: la tecnologia assistiva per promuovere l’inclusione sociale delle persone con disabilità intelletive nella loro comunità


Information and Communication Technologies have been widely used to enhance evidencebased interventions in the education and training of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The use of Information and Communication Technologies for these purposes is called Assistive Technology. Assistive technology is able to support persons with intellectual disabilities to live fuller and richer lives in their communities, supporting more successful functioning across multiple domains: independent living and inclusion in community.This study has the aim to present and explain the development of an assistive technology tool for persons with intellectual disabilities, the Mind Inclusion APP which can allow persons with intellectual disabilities to search and reach for a location or an activity in their community. The APP was co-created through the support of a participatory design and a person centred approach.A sample of 48 people, including persons with disabilities, caregivers, educators and business owners, was involved at all stages of the project. This study has shown that persons with disabilities can interact better, be part of their society more easily, and learn new skills reducing the impact of disability on daily functioning by using the Mind Inclusion APP

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