
AbstractResearchers see that the religious culture in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang has not yet been seen as exciting, this problem is caused by the efforts made by the head of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang are not yet clear. This is what encourages researchers to conduct closer research and examine in depth the efforts of the principal in creating a religious culture in the Madrasah. This study aims to reveal how the principal's efforts in creating a religious culture at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang. The research method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method. This method is expected to reveal matters relating to the efforts of the principal in creating a religious culture in Madrasah. The results of this study indicate that the principal's effort in creating a religious culture is by cultivating greetings when meeting and communicating. Build two-way communication. Communication between the principal and the teacher, the teacher and the principal, the communication between the teacher and the student, the student and the teacher, and so on. In building two-way communication is to hold regular meetings. The form of routine meeting agreed by the principal is the meeting during the implementation of the flag ceremony every Monday morning. During the implementation of the ceremony, the menu will meet all students, teachers and all school / madrasah careerists. Then the routine meeting at congregational prayers is accompanied by the presence of students giving speeches, in this routine there will also be a meeting of students and teachers. Then the activities of student organizations such as OSIM and others, all of which will foster intimacy among all school members

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