The Effect of an Acute Bout of Foam Rolling on Running Economy


Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 2: Issue 1, Article 4, 2021. This study examined the impact of pre-exercise foam rolling on running economy at 5 km race pace. Sixteen trained distance runners (31.5±12.2 yr; V̇O2max 53.6±11.0) volunteered for the study. Participants completed two treadmill runs at self-selected 5 km race pace; one session with the use of pre-exercise foam rolling and the other with a controlled rest period prior to the run. Running economy was improved during the session with pre-exercise foam rolling applied (t(15)=2.48, p=.026, d=.62). These findings provide evidence for the acute effects of pre-run foam rolling on a parameter of running performance. These results also support the use of foam rolling as a warm-up strategy prior to a high intensity run. Future studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms behind the observed improvement

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