The Degree of Implementing the Elements of Hidden Curriculum in Physical Education Lesson


The present study aimed to identify the degree of implementing the elements of hidden curriculum in the lesson of physical education from the point of view of the academic supervisors of field training students in the faculty of physical education at the University of Jordan. In addition, it aimed to identify the statistical differences in the degree of employment elements hidden curriculum in the lesson of physical education from the point of view of the academic supervisor, attributed to the variable of the academic experience of the supervisor. The researchers adopted the descriptive approach to its suitability and objectives of the study. The sample of the study was composed of all academic supervisors on field training students for the first semester 2018/2019 at the faculty of physical education at the University of Jordan. Mathematical averages, standard deviations, relative importance, and t-test were used to answer the study's questions. In addition, a questionnaire was developed based on the HOSFORD elements of the hidden curriculum, which consists of (Time on task, Expectation, monitoring, problems assigned the student, class setting and organization of work). The results of the study showed that the field training students have a high degree of employing the elements of the hidden curriculum during their classes. The degree of employment is relatively important (68.20). The results showed that there isn’t any statistically significant difference that can be attributed to the years of experience at the level of α (0.05) between the averages of the field of employing the elements of the hidden curriculum in the share of physical education from the point of view of academic supervisor in field training students in the faculty of physical education. The researchers recommended shedding light on the hidden curriculum in theoretical subjects such as curricula and methods of teaching and clarifying the importance of the hidden curriculum of the student and the teacher in the school during field application. Keywords: Hidden Curriculum, Academic Supervisor, Field Training DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-1-07 Publication date: January 31st 202

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