Grain legume agronomy 1976-1977


76B1, Lupin agronomy, high rainfall area. CB49, Lupin crop establishment methods. 76JE7, Lupin agronomy and soil fertility improvement. 74MO11, Seedling regeneration. 75MO7, Pasture establishment under unicrop and soil fertility improvement. 76MO13, L. cosentinii cv CB49 agronomy. 76MO14, Amino acid sequence study in the maturation of lupin seed. 76MT4, Chick pea response to plant density. 76MT5, Effect of waterlogging on lupin species. 76NA9, Polyculture of wheat and lupin. 76NA10, Pasture establishment under cover crops. 76TS12, L cosentinii cv agronomy

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