3-D Silk Fibroin Porous Particles Created by the Ouzo Effect for Biomedical Applications


Due to its high biocompatibility and biodegradability, silk fibroin – produced from Bombyx mori (B. mori) cocoons – has been at the forefront of research for many biomedical application formats: hydrogels, films, microspheres, and porous sponges/scaffolding, to name a few. For drug delivery, in particular, porous particles are desirable for their large surface area, uniform and tunable pore structure, and high porosity. This thesis focuses on the fabrication of porous particles from silk fibroin by the very interesting Ouzo effect. The Ouzo effect, so named because of the Greek beverage ouzo, describes the phenomenon of an ethanol + anethole oil solution turning milky-white in color once water is added in due to the spontaneous nucleation of oil droplets. Using the Ouzo effect to fabricate porous particles solves the numerous issues of typical colloidal droplet formation by not requiring energy nor a surfactant, which is cost effective and environmentally friendly; the Ouzo effect also tackles the so-called “coffee ring effect” of previous particle fabrication, in which a solution’s suspension medium travels to the edge of a droplet and leaves a residual ring. An Ouzo droplet is able to self-lubricate at the droplet’s edge and form an oil ring that forces the suspension medium to form a 3-D particle with tunable pore shape. By using the Ouzo effect to fabricate these particles from silk fibroin, the result is consistent macro-porous (pore diameter being greater than 50 nm) structures with relative 2-D porosity values greater than 70%. These features make the particles ideal for drug loading and delivery

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