Genetic and phenotypic trends for weights of major beef and dual-purpose cattle breeds in Slovak Republic


Article Details: Received: 2019-12-17 | Accepted: 2020-06-03 | Available online: 2020-09-30 evaluation of beef cattle in Slovakia started in first years of this century. After the first decade of running the routine evaluations it is important to review the progress made and to discuss the further development. The aim of this paper was to compile and deliver genetic and phenotypic trends in order to review importance of evaluated traits with respect to four major beef (Charolais, Limousine) and dual-purpose breeds (Slovak Pinzgau cattle, Slovak Spotted cattle). The study showed different progress made across the breeds. Higher genetic progress was observed in Charolais purebreds compared to Limousine counterparts. Moreover, almost similar progress to that in Charolais was observed in dual-purpose Slovak Pinzgau cattle. On the other hand no progress was observed in Slovak Spotted purebreds. Results also showed higher progress in bulls compared to cows. Phenotypic trends showed reserves for improvement in Charolais and closing to breed standards in Limousine. In dualpurpose breeds improvement was shown only in Slovak Pinzgau, while no improvement or decrease in actual weights was shown in Slovak Spotted purebreds.Keywords: beef cattle, dual-purpose cattle, trends, growth, genetic evaluationReferencesABIN, S. et al. (2016). Population structure and genetic trends for indigenous African beef cattle breeds in South Africa. South African J. Animal Science, 46(2), 152–156., L.R.A. et al. (2018). Genetic trends and trade-offs between growth and reproductive traits in a Nellore herd. PLoS ONE, 13(8): e0201392. INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION (AICA). (2019) American-International Charolais Association. National Cattle Evaluation. Genetic Trend. Retrieved August 16, 2019 fromČEPON, M. et al. (2008). Genetic parameters for growth in Charolais calves. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 92(2),111–117.DARNADIOVÁ, O. and DEBRECÉNI, O. (2009). Charolais beef breed cattle adaptation to breeding conditions in Slovakia. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 12(3), 81–84. Retrieved September 2, 2019 from, E. (2006). PEST User‘s Manual. Retrieved January 31, 2018 from JOHNSTON, D.J. (2007). Genetic trends in australian beef cattle – making real progress. Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 17, 8–15. Retrieved May 3, 2018 from livestocklibrary/2007/johnston008.pdfLALMAN, D.L. et al. (2019). Weaning weight trends in the US beef cattle industry. Applied Animal Science, 35(1), 57–65., E. et al. (2002). First estimates of genetic parameters for the growth performance of cattle in Slovak republic. Book of contributions from international conference ‘Genetic days 2002’. Brno : VŠZ, 194–196. In Slovak.KRUPA, E. et al. (2005a). Factors affecting growth traits of beef cattle breeds raised in Slovakia. Czech J. Animal Science, 50(1), 14–21., E. et al. (2005b). Optimisation of information system in genetic evaluation of beef cattle in Slovakia. Journal of Farm Animal Science, 38, 247–254.MACNEIL, M. D. (2003). Genetic evaluation of an index of birth weight and yearling weight to improve efficiency of beef production. J. Animal Science, 81(10), 2425–2433., F. D. N. and CREWS JR, D. H. (2009). Genetic parameters for calving ease, gestation length, and birth weight in Charolais cattle. J. Animal Science, 87(9), 2759–2766., G.M. et al. (2016). Genetic trends for live weight traits reflect breeding strategies in registered Charolais Farms in Mexico. Tropical Animal Health And Production, 48(8), 1729–1738., F. and SAPA, J. (2004). Genetic parameters for growth, reproductive performance, calving ease and suckling performance in beef cattle heifers. Animal Science, 79(1), 41–48., J. M. et al. (2004). Genetic analysis of mature cow weights in a population of inbred Hereford cattle. Proceedings American Society of Animal Science – Western Section, 55, 78–81.ŠIDLOVÁ, V. et al. (2015). Production type of Slovak Pinzgau cattle in respect of related breeds. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 18(2), 22–29.–29SULLIVAN, P.G. et al. (1999). Genetic trends and breed overlap derived from multiple-breed genetic evaluations of beef cattle for growth traits. J. Animal Science, 77(8), 2019–2027., B.B.M. et al. (2018). Genetic parameters and trends for traits of the Hereford and Braford breeds in Brazil. Livestock Science, 208, 60–66., J. and HUBA, J. (2019). Animal genetic resources in Slovak Republic. Danubian Animal Genetic Resources, 4, 7–12.ZCHMD. (2009a). Breeding standards for Charolais breed. Retrieved June 13, 2019 from In Slovak.ZCHMD. (2009b). Breeding standards for Limousine breed. Retrieved June 13, 2019 from harakteristika-90618. In Slovak.ZCHPD. (2016). Breeding standards for Slovak Pinzgau breed. Retrieved July 15, 2019 from In Slovak.ZCHSSD. (2016). Breeding standards for Slovak Spotted breed. Retrieved July 15, 2019 from In Slovak

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