Agricultural Education Teacher Candidates’ Reflection on the 15-Week Clinical Teaching Internship: A Collective Case Study


This collective case study explored the integration of video reflection during the 15-week clinical teaching internship at three distinct points in time. Weeks three, seven, and 11 were investigated to determine if the integration of video reflection improved the quality of teacher candidate reflection and to gauge teacher candidates’ views on agricultural education during the clinical teaching internship. Four overarching themes emerged from the video reflections: establishing roles as a teacher, teaching and learning, balance, and coming full circle. Throughout the internship, candidates expressed a deeper understanding of teaching within the three-component model of school-based agricultural education (SBAE). We recommend the use of video reflection during the student teaching internship to expand the depth of reflection and feeling of community among the cohort. Overall, the addition of the video reflection process has provided an efficient and effective tool that allows teacher candidates to make meaning of their experience

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