
Development of a Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Toolkit


A breast cancer survivor’s journey does not end with treatment. After treatment, most breast cancer survivors go on to face many life-long physical and mental challenges caused by their cancer and treatment. Once active cancer treatment is completed, patients enter the next important step in cancer care, cancer survivorship. Cancer survivorship is a comprehensive approach to post-oncology management that promotes the best outcomes for survivors as they transition from oncology care to primary care; and new breast-cancer survivorship guidelines have emerged. Research suggests that primary care NPs’ lack of awareness of the current 2016 American Cancer Society/American Society of Clinical Oncology [ACS/ASCO] Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Guidelines impedes their ability to provide the best evidence-based care for breast cancer survivors. This DNP project was designed to develop a breast cancer survivorship toolkit based upon contemporary breast cancer survivorship guidelines as part of the ongoing effort to better inform primary care NPs of survivors’ needs and promote best-practices implementation

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