Validation of current body composition estimation equations for men over 60 years of age


This study compared five skinfold equations for body composition (Jackson & Pollock\u27s Sum of 7 {dollar}\{{dollar}JP7{dollar}\}{dollar} and Sum of 3 {dollar}\{{dollar}JP3{dollar}\}{dollar}; Jackson & Pollock\u27s Sum of 4 {dollar}\{{dollar}Y4{dollar}\}{dollar} and Sum of 3 {dollar}\{{dollar}Y3{dollar}\}{dollar} for the YMCA, and Durnin and Womersley\u27s Sum of 7 {dollar}\{{dollar}DW{dollar}\}){dollar} with percent fat obtained from underwater weighing. Subjects were ninety-seven adult males aged 60-80 years. Skinfold measurements were taken with Lange calipers and underwater weight (UWW) was determined in a seated position utilizing a load cell system with residual volume (RV) measured at the time of weighing; The skinfold equations achieved a mean correlation of.74 with underwater weighing. JP7 yielded the highest correlation (.78) and DW the lowest (.72). A 1RM-ANOVA indicated that all five equations produced significantly different results than UWW. The data showed that these equations are not as valid with the present study\u27s population as with those from which the equations were derived

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