
The complicated web: Mediating cultures in the works of Louise Erdrich


Louise Erdrich is a mixed blood Turtle Mountain Chippewa, educated in the dominant culture. Her volumes of poetry, Jacklight and Baptism of Desire, express a personal and narrative voice that reflects her tribal, European, Catholic, and educational heritage. Her well received novels, co-authored with her husband, Michael Dorris, are poetic in their language. Love Medicine and Tracks abound in myth, irony, humor, and contemporary Chippewa issues. The Beet Queen and The Crown of Columbus, incorporate Euroamerican settings and characters while disclosing Native American characteristics of oral rhetoric and tribal community. The trickster archetype in Erdrich\u27s works incorporates survival humor, moral indicators, and cultural mediation. The conflation of narrative voices, cultural pluralism, indistinguishable genres, and interdisciplinary criticism interweave a complexity that celebrates diversity in a toleration of paradox and harmonizes the human community

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