Generating quality dominating set


Construction of a small size dominating set is a well known problem in graph theory and sensor networks. A Connected dominating set (CDS) can be used as a backbone structure in sensor networks for message delivery and broadcast. The general dominating set problem is known to be NP-hard and some approximation algorithms have been proposed; In most approximation algorithms for constructing connected dominating set only the size of the dominating set has been considered. In this thesis we address the problem of constructing connected dominating sets with several quality factors that include (i) diameter, (ii) risk-factor, and (iii) interference. We propose algorithms for constructing CDS of small diameter, reduced risk-factor, and reduced interference. We also report on the experimental investigation of the proposed techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are very effective in reducing interference without significantly increasing CDS size. The proposed algorithms are the first algorithms in the sensor network community that address both size and interference for designing dominating sets

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