Comments on: iron deficiency anemia among kindergarten children living in the marginalized areas of Gaza Strip, Palestine


Hemoterapia included a scientific report presented by Sirdah et al. 1 which focuses on the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) among less-fortunate children living in marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip in Palestine. Successive reports from international organizations interested in the health and well-being of people, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), still consider iron deficiency and its related anemia as a challenging nutritional health problem that significantly afflicts individuals of all ages and economic groups in developing as well as in developed countries. 2, 3 However, the magnitude of the problem is intensified when the risk factors for developing IDA coexist in vulnerable populations like those living in remote and marginalized areas4, 5 where health related services are limited or totally absent6 and the economic situation is not satisfactory. 7 The study of Sirdah et at. aimed to estimate the prevalence and identify possible risk factors of IDA among kindergarten children living in the marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip, and to evaluate the effectiveness of supplementation with an oral iron formula. The authors randomly screened 745 kindergarten children (384 male and 351 female) living in nine areas classified by the local organizations as marginalized and less fortunate for development. The authors used univariate analysis and constructed a multiple logistic regression model in order to identify potential risk factors for developing IDA in the children. The screening stage of the study stressed the occurrence; one-third of kindergarten children of the marginalized

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