Propagation of Electromagnetic Surface Waves through a Ferrite Slab Bounded by Metamaterials


Recently there has been growing interest in a new type of electromagnetic materials called lefthanded materials (LHMs), or metamaterials. Over thirty years ago Veselago [1] predicted that electromagnetic wave propagation in a medium having simultaneously negative permittivity ε and permeability μ should give rise to several peculiar characteristics. Veselago predicted that in LHM the energy flow (Pointing vector) is anti-parallel to the phase velocity (or wave vector) while in regular materials termed right-handed materials (RHMs), having simultaneously positive ε and μ the Pointing vector (energy flow) gives the direction of the phase velocity. In this communication, the dispersion relationship describing the propagation of electromagnetic surface modes supported by a finite thickness ferrite slab bounded by LHMs media is investigated and discussed

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