Monitoring of pesticide residues on cucumber, tomatoes and strawberries in Gaza Governorates, Palestine


Three techniques of gas chromatography (GC) either with flame photometric‐detector (FPD( electron capture detector (ECD( or with mass‐spectrometry (MS) were applied for identification and quantification of pesticide residues on 45 samples of cucumber, tomatoes, and strawberries in fifteen locations in Gaza Governorates. GC‐FPD analysis showed the presence of four different organo‐phosphorus (OP) pesticides, their levels were very low and below maximum residue limits (MRL's). GC‐ECD detected ten different pesticides at levels below the MRL's. Using the GC‐MS technique, α and β‐endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, carbofuran, chlorfluazuron, triadimenol I and II, penconazole, coptafol‐metabolite, pyrimethanil and iprodione were detected and confirmed on some samples of cucumber, tomatoes and strawberries. All GC‐MS pesticide residues detected on tomato were below the MRL's except chlorfluazuron while

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