Basic skills teacher licensure test scores as college of education admission criteria


The objective of this paper is to analyze the criterion-related validity of the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) cut-scores as teacher education program admission criteria. PPST and American College Test (ACT) scores of 372 graduates, and PPST scores and other academic characteristics of 1,062 graduates of a Nevada teacher education program were examined. Findings of this study support that PPST and ACT subtests measure similar constructs, PPST scores do not predict success in student teaching, nor do they predict teacher candidates\u27 college GPAs over and above ACT scores. In addition, over 99 percent of students who received scores of 22 or higher on an ACT subtest achieved passing scores on the corresponding PPST subtest, and the majority of examinees who failed the PPST received ACT scores of 21 or lower. Findings substantiate the plausibility of waiving the PPST requirements for applicants with ACT scores of 22 or higher

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