Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB)
Quest for industrial hazard impact both on the inhabitants and environment, necessitated the study of Socio-economic Impact (SEI) of Industrial Effluent Discharged (IED) on Ibese river and inhabitants of villages along its course in Nigeria. The SIE of IED was conducted after water quality result of the Ibese River has been ascertained. Based on the water quality result, the river course was demarcated into direct industrial effluent discharged Ibese river site, upper Ibese River site and control (free of effluent discharge) river site outside the Ibese River location. The river that is Free of Industrial Efflu- ent Discharge (FIED) site served as control. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 10% of farmers from farmers’ organization list in IED and FIED to give a total of 180 farmers selected for the research. Data were collected through the use of interview schedule and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result revealed that high number (92.3mg/L) of phosphate an acid element and low (3.30) dissolve oxygen were discovered in IED site. Concerning heavy metals, higher mean level Fe 12.63, Pb 2.01 Cu 4.86 and Zn 7.88mg/L were found in IED water quality analysis. Majority (80.0%) of the farmers in FIED areas cultivated between 5.1 and 20 hectares of farms while 50.0% belong to this categories in IED. In FIED, higher proportion (86.0%, 64.0%, and 62.0%) generate income from crop planting, sheep and goat keeping and cassava processing re- spectively whereas fewer (24.4%, 16.7% and 6.6%) generate income from these sources in IED site. Impairment of used water was rated by 93.3% of the farmers as the most prominent harmful effect of IED. Income discrepancy between industrial effluent discharge site and non industrial effluent dis- charge site was statistically different at P<0.005. The finding revealed that SIE of IED is severe in IED site