
Discrete invariants of varieties in positive characteristic


If SS is a scheme of characteristic pp, we define an FF-zip over SS to be a vector bundle with two filtrations plus a collection of semi-linear isomorphisms between the graded pieces of the filtrations. For every smooth proper morphism X→SX\to S satisfying certain conditions the de Rham bundles HdRn(X/S)H^n_{{\rm dR}}(X/S) have a natural structure of an FF-zip. We give a complete classification of FF-zips over an algebraically closed field by studying a semi-linear variant of a variety that appears in recent work of Lusztig. For every FF-zip over SS our methods give a scheme-theoretic stratification of SS. If the FF-zip is associated to an abelian scheme over SS the underlying topological stratification is the Ekedahl-Oort stratification. We conclude the paper with a discussion of several examples such as good reductions of Shimura varieties of PEL type and K3-surfaces.Comment: 35 pages, minor changes in exposition, major changes to introductio

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