Constraints on a special running vacuum model


Funder: Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences; doi: study a special running vacuum model (RVM) with Λ=3αH2+3βH04H2+Λ0\Lambda = 3 \alpha H^2+3\beta H_0^4 H^{-2}+\Lambda _0Λ=3αH2+3βH04H-2+Λ0, where α\alpha α, β\beta β and Λ0\Lambda _0Λ0 are the model parameters and H is the Hubble one. This RVM has non-analytic background solutions for the energy densities of matter and radiation, which can only be evaluated numerically. From the analysis of the CMB power spectrum and baryon acoustic oscillation along with the prior of \alpha >0α&gt;0 to avoid having a negative dark energy density, we find that \alpha <2.83\times 10^{-4}α&lt;2.83×10-4 and β=(0.24.5+3.9)×104\beta =(-0.2^{+3.9}_{-4.5})\times 10^{-4}β=(-0.2-4.5+3.9)×10-4 (95%\%% C.L.). We show that the RVM fits the cosmological data comparably to the ΛCDM\Lambda \hbox {CDM}ΛCDM. In addition, we relate the fluctuation amplitude σ8\sigma _8σ8 to the neutrino mass sum Σmν\Sigma m_\nu Σmν.</jats:p

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