Research data supporting "Differential biosynthesis and cellular permeability explain longitudinal gibberellin gradients in growing roots"


Datasets in support of the figures of "Differential biosynthesis and cellular permeability explain longitudinal gibberellin gradients in growing roots" publication in PNAS 2021 with first author Annalisa Rizza. See file Rizza et al.,2021 metadata confocal imaging and phenotypes .xlsx for details on biological data. The dataset contains experimental data on Arabidopsis thaliana roots and consists primarily of microscopy imaging data presented as Leica files (.lif) and root growth phenotyping data presented as Excel files (.xlsx) or TIFF (.tiff) images. Most imaging files are organised by data acquired and phenotyping files are organised by corresponding Figure number from the publication. Detailed explanation is found in the metadata excel file. Additional imaging files are presented as TIFF images (Scanned plates zip files, .tiff) and imaging and phenotyping data analysis presented as Origin Pro files (.opju). Finally, a set of modeling program files relating to the mathematical modeling described in the publication are provided (Modeling Programs zip file, .mat, .m files).European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement n° 759282 to Alexander Jones). Gatsby Charitable Foundation grant to Alexander Jones. Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowship to Dr Leah Band, ECF-2012-681). Human Frontier Science Program (Young Investigator Grant, RGY0075/2020 to Leah Band)

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