Elastic Plastic Self-Consistent (EPSC) Modeling of San Carlos Olivine Deformed in a D-DIA Apparatus


We present a suite of low strain deformation experiments conducted on polycrystalline San Carlos olivine in a deformation DIA apparatus at temperatures ranging from 440 to 1106 °C at pressures between 3.8 and 4.6 GPa. The deformation behavior was monitored using in situ diffraction of white synchrotron X‑rays. The experiments were conducted at a slow strain rate of ~5 × 10–6/s so as to allow the initial elastic behavior to be closely monitored. For each experiment, we fit the diffraction data using elastic plastic self-consistent (EPSC) models. We find that to model the experiments we must incorporate an isotropic deformation mechanism that permits a small amount of non-elastic deformation during the initial elastic portion of the experiment. This deformation mechanism mimics the observed reduction in the elastic modulus as a function of temperature and permits us to better model the remainder of the stress strain curve. The critical resolved shear stresses (CRSS) for slip obtained from these models compare well with those measured in single-crystal deformation experiment

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