Oncoproteomics: Opportunities, Challenges & Advanced Technologies


Oncoproteomics is nothing but the analysis of proteins and their interactions in a cancer cell through proteomic technologies. Oncoproteomics is playing a progressively significant part in diagnosis and the management of cancer. It also helps in the advancement of personalized therapy of cancer. Oncoproteomics holds great potential not only for opening the complicated molecular episodes of tumorigenesis but also for those that regulate clinically essential tumor habits, like metastasis, invasion, and resistance to treatment. Protein molecules show a significant impact on the evolution of cancer as it mainly develops due to abnormal signaling pathways. Detection and comprehension of these alterations is the major concept of oncoproteomics. Novel proteomic technologies related to cancer are defined in short, which are assisting not only in the comprehension of the mechanism of drug-resistant in cancer but also bestow some guides in management. For the diagnostic and prognostic categorization of the disease condition, and in measuring the drug efficiency and toxicity acclimatization of proteomic technologies in clinical laboratories is the fundamental objective of oncoproteomics. A considerable influence on the management of cancer patients and on a spectacular revolution in cancer research might notice by data obtained through such novel technologies. For the cancer therapy, the identification of novel targets, as well as an understanding of tumor development, might permit by the research of tumor-specific proteomic profiles. A wide perspective on drug-resistant and anticancer drug discovery, proteomic biomarkers and its function in the diagnosis of cancer, current innovation in proteomic technologies have tried to give in this review

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