Strengthspotting and Interpersonal Relationships: Development of the Japanese Version of the Strengthspotting Scale


This study aimed to develop a Japanese version of thestrengthspotting scale and examine the relationship betweenstrengthspotting and relationships with others, as well as factorsthat related to an interpersonal relationship. A Japanese versionof strengthspotting scale was developed and administered withsix other scales of interpersonal factors to 264 college students.The results indicate that the Japanese version of strengthspottingscale has sufficient reliability and validity. Furthermore, theresults revealed a relationship between each of the five domainsof strengthspotting and interpersonal factors: communicationskills, affiliation motives, shyness, optimism and pessimism, andpositive relationships with others. The study provides a basis forconducting further empirical research and practice onstrengthspotting in Japan

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