Balanced Abstract Web-MVC Style: An Abstract MVC Implementation for Web-based Applications


The features and the capabilities of web applicationsare growing rapidly, and the complexities and difficulties ofweb applications engineering are also growing in parallel. Ifthe architectural formalism of these advanced web applicationsis well realized, the complexities could be understood, thus thedifficulties could be reduced. Model-View-Controller (MVC)has been recognized as a well-formed architectural style, andhas been widely used in web applications engineering invarious forms of implementations. These MVCimplementations are heavily dependent on specific set oftechnologies and/or some other facts; hence, they do notprovide an abstract realization to be used in a wider range ofweb application engineering. We propose an implementation ofMVC in more abstract form, which – we think – will increasethe realization of the advanced web applications, thus lower theengineering complexities and difficulties of web applications.We believe that this implementation is more applicable in awider range of environments and technologies, and will upturnthe architectural properties like performance andmodifiability. Based on this implementation we introduce anMVC based architectural style for web applications. In future,we expect to improve this further towards supporting RichInternet Applications

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