Efficient Fractal Image Coding using Fast Fourier Transform


The fractal coding is a novel technique forimage compression. Though the technique has manyattractive features, the large encoding time makes itunsuitable for real time applications. In this paper, anefficient algorithm for fractal encoding which operateson entire domain image instead of overlapping domainblocks is presented.The algorithm drastically reducesthe encoding time as compared to classical full searchmethod. The reduction in encoding time is mainly dueto use of modified crosscorrelation based similaritymeasure. The implemented algorithm employs exhaustivesearch of domain blocks and their isometry transformationsto investigate their similarity with everyrange block. The application of Fast Fourier Transformin similarity measure calculation speeds up theencoding process. The proposed eight isometry transformationsof a domain block exploit the properties ofDiscrete Fourier Transform to minimize the number ofFast Fourier Transform calculations. The experimentalstudies on the proposed algorithm demonstrate that theencoding time is reduced drastically with average speedupfactor of 538 with respect to the classical fullsearch method with comparable values of Peak SignalTo Noise Ratio

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