Data Aggregation Platform for Experiments of Astroparticle Physics


The big data revolution has overturned well-established ap-proaches to data analysis and intensified the demand for access to het-erogeneous data. Modern developed methods allow for the extraction ofnew knowledge from the data, which enables researchers to approachmany previously unsolved mysteries. This trend, observed in many areasof human activity, is also tangible in the field of astroparticle physics.Combined analysis of various experimental data allows researchers toderive deeper insights into the processes occurring in the universe andextend the borders of our knowledge about nature.Providing the infrastructure for such investigations is a topical issue ofthe astroparticle physics community.In this report we examine a service for the aggregated retrieval of hetero-geneous data from distributed storages of numerous astroparticle physicsexperiments. We describe its architecture, available data, principles offunctioning and interaction with users and data center

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