The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas


Usled dinamičnije promene klime i porasta broja ljudi u gradovima obnovljivi izvori energije (OIE) sve više doprinose racionalnijem korišćenju energije. Imajući u vidu značaj koji upotreba OIE u stanovanju donosi u pogledu finansijske uštede i smanjenja emisije CO2, rad ispituje mogućnost upotrebe OIE u područjima višeporodičnog stanovanja sa aspekta sakupljanja i konverzije solarne energije odnosno implementacije fotovoltaičnih panela i generisanja električne energije. Kod višeporodičnog stanovanja, problem održivosti i primene OIE je složen zadatak, prvenstveno zbog postojećih načina korišćenja prostora i vlasništva koje je višeslojno, ali i postojanja potrebe za aktivnim uključenjem cele stambene zajednice u procesu donošenja odluka i pokretanja inicijativa. Istraživanje analizira prednosti i mane za postavljanje solarnih panela i to na krovovima i fasadama objekata, i u okviru zajedničkih otvorenih prostora u bloku, postavljanjem solarnih svetiljki, solarnog napajanja za električna vozila, solarnih punjača itd. Ispitivanje mogućnosti za korišćenje solarne energije sprovedeno je na primeru stambenog Bloka 29 na Novom Beogradu, urbanističkom analizom uz podršku odgovarajućih podataka o solarnoj radijaciji za analizirano područje i softvera Skelion i PVGIS-a za numeričku i grafičku ilustraciju količina energije koje je moguće dobiti postavljanjem fotonaponskih solarnih panela. Rad sagledava dva različita scenarija: kada se paneli instaliraju na krovovima stambenih objekata i kada se oni postavljaju na otvorenim prostorima, istovremeno analizirajući potencijale svakog od njih i preduslove za njihovu realizaciju u praksi. Dobijeni rezultati imaju za cilj da uporede kolicine elektricne energije dobijene proracunom za dva različita scenarija.Due to the increasingly dynamic climate change and the increase in the number of people in cities, renewable energy sources (RES) are contributing to a more rational use of energy. Given the importance that the use of RES in housing directly brings in terms of financial savings and reduction of CO2 emissions, the paper examines the possibility of using RES in multi-family housing from the aspect of solar energy collection and conversion respectively implementation of photovoltaic panels and electricity generation. In multi-family housing, the problem of sustainability and implementation of RES is a complex task, primarily due to the existing ways of using space and ownership, which is multi-layered, but also the need for the active involvement of the entire housing community in decision-making and initiatives. The research analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of installing solar panels on the rooftops and facades of buildings, and within the common open spaces in the block, by installing solar lamps, solar power for electric vehicles, solar chargers, etc. The examination of the possibilities for using solar energy was conducted on the example of the residential Block 29 in New Belgrade, using urban analysis supported by appropriate data on solar radiation for the analyzed area and Skelion software for a numerical and graphical illustration of the amount of energy that can be obtained by installing photovoltaic solar panels. The paper considers two different scenarios: when panels are installed on the roofs of buildings and when they are installed in open spaces, analyzing the potential of each and the prerequisites for their implementation in practice. The results aim to compare the quantities of electricity obtained by calculation for two different scenarios.Urednik: Zoran Stevi

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