Civil witchcraft, sorcery and heretism trials in Zagreb and vicinity during the Early Modern Period


Deniver Vukelić u ovom diplomskom radu obrađuje donekle nedovoljno sustavno istraženu temu svjetovnih sudskih procesa vješticama u ranonovovjekovnom Zagrebu (Gradecu i Kaptolu) te njihovim feudalnim posjedima u okolici. Definira što su to vještica, vještičarstvo i magija prema onodobnom shvaćanju, uz kratki povijesni pregled praznovjerja i ideja vezanih uz taj pojam. Potom propituje hrvatsku historiografiju i laičke knjige i članke pisane o toj temi, objašnjavajući njihove dobre i loše strane, profesionalne i laičke pristupe te interpretacije podataka. Uspostavlja vezu sa zakonskom crkvenom i svjetovnom podlogom procesima koji su se odvijali u 17. i 18. stoljeću. Zatim prikazuje i ukratko popisuje osobe prisutne tijekom postupka suđenja te instrumentarij torture koji se tad koristio u Zagrebu i interpretira nekolicinu zanimljivih dokumenata ili slučajeva iz toga razdoblja. Potom kronološki obuhvaća sve slučajeve između 1360. i 1758. godine objašnjavajući njihove okolnosti. Na kraju rada, povodeći se idejom tablice iz jednog laičkog članka iz polovice 20. stoljeća, u opširnu tablicu smješta sve podatke o poznatim zapisanim slučajevima procesa za čarobnjaštvo i vještičarenje u Zagrebu u rasponu od 1360. do 1758. godine.In this final and graduate science work, Deniver Vukelić researches somewhat insufficiently explored subject of civil court prosecutions of witchcraft in 17th and 18th century Zagreb (at that time divided in two parts - Gradec and Kaptol) and its surrounding feudal lands. He defines the terms of witch, witchcraft and magic according to their meanings and interpretations at that time, and gives a brief historical summary of superstitions and ideas related to the subject. After that, he tackles the works which were written about this subject within the Croatian historic science or amateur books and articles, explaining their good and bad sides, professional and amateur approaches and different interpretations. Furthermore, he establishes a connection with legal foundations of the Church and of the State to the prosecutions which were held in 17th and 18th century. Then he creates a brief glossary of people and their functions during the trials, as well as an instrumentarium of torture which was used in Zagreb at that time and interprets few interesting documents and cases. At the end of this work, inspired by a chart found in an amateur article from the mid 20th century, the author gathers all known written prosecution cases for sorcery and witchcraft in Zagreb between 1380. and 1750. and organizes them in a large chart.In dieser Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich Deniver Vukelić mit einem sehr interessanten und nicht systematisch genug untersuchten Thema der weltlichen Hexenprozesse in frühmittelalterlichem Zagreb (Gradec und Kaptol) sowie ihrer Feudalbesitze in Umgebung. Er definiert die Begriffe die Hexe, das Hexentum und die Magie nach damaligen Ansichten. Daneben gibt er einen kurzen geschichtlichen Überblick des Aberglaubens und der im Zusammenhang mit diesem Begriff stehenden Ideen. Danach erforscht er kroatische Historiographie sowie die Bücher und Artikel für Laien zu diesem Thema, wobei er ihre Vorteile und Nachteile, profesionelle sowie Laienansätze und Dateninterpretationen erklärt. Er nimmt die Verbindung zu der gesetzlichen kirchlichen und weltlichen Grundlage den Prozessen auf, die im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert stattfanden. Der vorliegenden Arbeit werden einige interessante Dokumente oder Fälle aus dieser Zeit dargestellt und interpretiert und alle bei den Gerichtsprozessen anwesenden Personen sowie alle in damaligem Zagreb benutzten Torturinstrumente verzeichnet. Auf dem Ende der Arbeit macht er eine ausführliche Tabelle (und die Idee dafür war die Tabelle aus einem Artikel für Laien aus der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts), in die er alle Daten über bekannte Fälle der Zauberei und Hexereiprozesse in Zagreb in der Zeit von 1360 bis 1758 setzt

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