Corporate Culture: Identity and Mental Health


Cilj ovog rada bila je analiza koncepta korporativne kulture i faktora koji čine jedan takav ekonomski i društveni subjekt neovisan o zakonskim regulacijama institucija te proces na koji ta kultura utječe na pojedince i na društvo u kojem sudjeluje. Korporacije su bitan aspekt ekonomskog i društvenog života i prožimaju sve slojeve društva u kojima sudjeluju kao aktivni sudionici preko procesa tranzicije i globalizacije. Cilj je bilo istražiti faktore korporativnih kultura razvijanih u zemljama 'zapadnog' sustava i promotriti ih na primjeru hrvatskog društva. Posebnost položaja koji ima Hrvatska u svim svojim razdobljima modernizacije (predložak uzet po sociologu Rogiću, 2000) daje nam plodno tlo na kojem možemo istražiti utjecaje korporativnog aparata na primjerima razvoja i raspada kompanija. Bitan aspekt rada ĉini osvrt na procese (re)formiranja identiteta kroz posljedice koje ostavlja korporativni sustav u svojoj potrazi za profitom na štetu mentalnog zdravlja pojedinaca i populacija. Istraživanje je obuhvaćalo kritičnu analizu medijskih sadržaja i reprezentacije te individualna iskustva pojedinaca (prezentiranih kroz vinjete) koji su bili dijelom korporativnog sustava ili tek to namjeravaju postati.The aim of this study was to analyse the concept of corporate culture and the factors that make such a complex subject economically and socially independent of legal regulations of institutions as well as the process in which that culture influences an individual and the society in which it partakes in. Corporations are a vital aspect of economic and social life and permeate all layers of society in which they participate in through the processes of transition and globalization. The aim was to research the factors of corporate cultures developed in the countries of the “western” system and to explore them on the example of the Croatian society. The particularity of the position which Croatia in all of its periods of modernisation (idea 42 taken from sociologist Rogić, 2000) gives us a fertile ground on which we can explore the influences of the corporate machine on the example of the rise and the fall of companies. A vital aspect of the study is the process of (re)forming identity forms through the consequences which the corporate culture leaves behind in its quest for profit and the damage of mental health on the individual and populations. The research encompassed critical analysis of media elements and the representations as well as individual experiences of people (presented through vignettes) who are a part of the corporate system or they are about to become

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