The approaches, methods and procedures in the preservation and conservation of paintings on wooden and textile panels in the period from 1948 until 2008.


Ovaj će diplomski rad pokušati objasniti pristupe, metode i postupke zaštite slika na drvenim i tekstilnim nosiocima u razdoblju od 1948. godine do drugog desetljeća 21. stoljeća. Temeljem proučavanja arhivske dokumentacije trideset pet štafelajnih slika u vlasništvu Strossmayerove galerije, koncizno je prezentiran razvoj konzervatorsko-restauratorske prakse u Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na pokretnu kulturnu baštinu. Dok će u prvom dijelu rada biti objašnjeno formiranje umjetničke zbirke i razrada koncepta stalnog postava Strossmayerove galerije, drugi dio rada bit će posvećen praksi zaštite slika u Hrvatskoj kao recepciji i refleksiji teorije konzervacije u Europi. Promjene u pristupima, metodama i postupcima zaštite te upotrebi restauratorskog materijala, kronološki će biti predstavljene i objašnjene konkretnim primjerima intervencija na slikama iz Stare galerije.This thesis attempts to explain the approaches, methods and procedures in the preservation and conservation of paintings on wooden and textile panels in the period from 1948 until the second decade of the 21st century. The development of the conservation and restauration praxis in Croatia with an accent on movable cultural heritage is concisely presented through the research of the archival documentation of thirty-five easel paintings owned by the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters in Zagreb. While the first part of the thesis explains the formation of the art collection and the concept elaboration of the collection in the permanent exhibition of the Strossmayer Gallery, the second part of the thesis focuses on the praxis of the preservation of paintings in Croatia as a response to and a reflection of the European theory of conservation. The changes in the approaches, methods and procedures of preservation and the usage of restorative materials will be presented and explained through concrete examples of interventions on the paintings from the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters

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