Object-based Image Analysis Using VHR Satellite Imagery for Monitoring the Dismantling of a Refugee Camp after a Crisis: The Case of Lukole, Tanzania. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|


The use of HR and VHR (high/very high spatial resolution) imagery and OBIA (objectbased image analysis) offers new possibilities for monitoring activities in and around refugee camps to manage, understand, and assess developments and impacts of the camp on its environment (see for example TIEDE et al. 2013, HAGENLOCHER et al. 2012). Here we demonstrate how VHR imagery in combination with OBIA can be used to retrieve and create valuable information about a remote refugee camp and its surroundings before, during, and after the dismantling and the repatriation process. Feature extraction approaches for single dwellings and further information retrieval, as well as land cover classification for the refugee camp Lukole in Tanzania were combined for an integrated monitoring approach

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