
U(g)-finite locally analytic representations


In this paper we continue the study of locally analytic representations of a pp-adic Lie group GG in vector spaces over a spherically complete non-archimedean field KK, building on the algebraic approach to such representations introduced in our paper "Locally analytic distributions and p-adic representation theory, with applications to GL_2." In that paper we associated to a representation VV a module MM over the ring D(G,K)D(G,K) of locally analytic distributions on GG and described an admissibility condition on VV in terms of algebraic properties of MM. In this paper we determine the relationship between our admissibility condition on locally analytic modules and the traditional admissibility of Langlands theory. We then analyze the class of locally analytic representations with the property that their associated modules are annihilated by an ideal of finite codimension in the universal enveloping algebra of G, showing under some hypotheses on G that they are sums of representations of the form XβŠ—YX\otimes Y, with X finite dimensional and Y smooth. The irreducible representations of this type are obtained when X and Y are irreducible. We conclude by analyzing the reducible members of the locally analytic principal series of SL_2(\Qp)

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