
Структура топливного баланса энергетики в судостроении и морской инфраструктуре Украины = Structure of the power engineering fuel balance in the Ukraine’ shipbuilding and marine infrastructure / А. П. Воинов, В. С. Самохвалов, Д. В. Коновалов, В. С. Корниенко // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2019. – № 1 (11). – С. 123–129.Анотація. Метою дослідження є формулювання проблеми нормалізації структури паливного балансу енергетики України, підприємств суднобудування та морської інфраструктури, пропозиція доцільних шляхів її вирішення. Використано методи класифікації, індукції, аналогії. Показано виключно важливе глобальне завдання перед людством захисту навколишнього природного середовища від посиленого шкідливого впливу на нього з боку світового виробництва, яке інтенсивно розвивається, особливо його енергетичної галузі на органічному паливі. Розглянуто проблематику нинішнього стану енергетики України, в тому числі енергоустановок на підприємствах суднобудування та морської інфраструктури. Виділено та проаналізовано важливу і складну проблему нормалізації структури паливно-енергетичного балансу енергетики України.Abstract. The aim of the researching is to formulate the problem of normalizing the structure of the fuel balance of Ukraine’s power engineering sector, shipbuilding and marine infrastructure companies indicating ways to solve it. Methods of classification, induction, analogy are used. The extremely important global task facing mankind is shown to protect the environment from the increasing harmful effects on it from rapidly developing world production, especially its power engineering industry on organic fuel. The problems of the current state of the power engineering sector of Ukraine, including power plants at shipbuilding and marine infrastructure enterprises, are considered. The emerged important and complex problem of the normalization of the structure of its fuel and energy balance is highlighted and analyzed. The features of the current state of the current park of boiler equipment are highlighted. The current available directions and ways to solve the urgent and urgent problems were critically analyzed. The feasibility of reducing the share of expensive imported gas-oil fuel in the fuel and power engineering balance of domestic power engineering, in particular in the balance of shipbuilding enterprises and maritime infrastructure, is shown. The feasibility and the possibility of increasing the share of cheap domestic solid and domestic artificial gaseous fuel, the production of which is to be organized in the country, are shown. The influence of the main factors on the conditions and possibilities of solving the complex interrelated problems of the considered problem of developing the fuel and power engineering balance of domestic power engineering and its parts in the visible perspective is shown. The most probable outlines of the development issues in Ukraine in the visible perspective of power equipment consuming organic fuel are outlined. The strategic importance is shown in the broad perspective of the development in the country of a comprehensive large-scale use of domestic solid fuel as the main prospective and reliable source of energy. It was noted that the transfer of a gas-oil fuel boiler system to solid fuel is a relatively complex scientific and organizational-technical problem, which is not always amenable to an acceptable solution for a number of reasons. The importance of the quality of the process of managing the formulation, organization and implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of energy including shipbuilding and marine infrastructure power plants, based on organic fuel, in all elements of this program, was emphasized

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