Research of influence of operating process parameters on effective indicators of rotor-piston engine


Митрофанов, О. С. Дослідження впливу параметрів робочого процесу на ефективні показники роторно-поршневого двигуна = Research of influence of operating process parameters on effective indicators of rotor-piston engine / О. С. Митрофанов // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2020. – № 1 (13). – С. 75–88.Анотація. Мета. Дослідження впливу параметрів робочого циклу та робочого тіла на ефективні показники роторно-поршневого двигуна. Методика. Мета дослідження реалізується методом математичного моделювання з використанням розробленої програми розрахунку робочого циклу роторно-поршневого двигуна. Результати. Розглянуто вплив таких параметрів, як відносний мертвий об’єм і ступінь наповнення на змінення ефективних показників роторно-поршневого двигуна 12РПД-4,4/1,75. Значення цих параметрів прямо залежать від конструкції системи газообміну, її складності й точності виготовлення. Розглянутий роторно-поршневий двигун має конструктивно просту золотникову схему газообміну, однак вона дає змог здійснювати регулювання експлуатаційних режимів роботи двигуна не тільки за рахунок змінення параметрів робочого тіла на вході (тиску й температури), а й за допомогою зміни ступеня наповнення, що є більш продуктивним.Abstract. Purpose. The study of the influence of the parameters of the working cycle and the working fluid on the effective performance of a rotary piston engine. Methodology. The purpose of the study is realized by mathematical modeling using the developed program for calculating the duty cycle of a rotary piston engine. Results. The influence of parameters such as relative dead volume and degree of filling on the change in the effective performance of the 12RPD-4.4/1.75 rotary piston engine is considered. The value of these parameters directly depends on the design of the gas exchange system, its complexity and manufacturing accuracy. The considered rotary piston engine has a structurally simple spool gas exchange scheme, however, it allows regulating the operating modes of the engine not only by changing the parameters of the working fluid at the inlet (pressure and temperature), but also by changing the degree of filling, which is more productive. In the proposed design of a rotary piston engine, the value of the relative dead volume can be provided at the level of 0.015, which is a fairly high indicator, and the value of the degree of filling can vary significantly. Indicator diagrams of the operation of a rotary piston engine with a constant gas pressure at the inlet (the same operating mode) and a variable value of the relative dead volume and degree of filling are shown. With a value of the working fluid pressure at the engine inlet of 2 MPa, a decrease in meter volume by 20% leads to an increase in the maximum cycle pressure and indicator work (increase in the area of the indicator diagram), as well as to an increase in the effective engine power by 22% with a decrease in the effective flow rate of the working fluid by 27.7%. Dependences of changes in the effective performance of a rotary piston engine versus changes in the pressure of the working fluid at the engine inlet are presented for various values of the relative dead volume and degree of filling. So, the increase in the effective engine power occurs almost in proportion to the increase in the pressure of the working fluid at the inlet (with an increase in pressure by 42%, the increase in the effective engine power is about 41%). Scientific novelty. The dependences of the influence of parameters such as relative dead volume, degree of filling and pressure of the working fluid in the inlet receiver on the change in the effective performance of a rotary piston engine of a fundamentally new design are analyzed and presented. Practical relevance. It has been determined that an effective way to regulate the operating modes of a rotary piston engine is to change the degree of filling. A decrease in the degree of filling has a positive effect on the specific effective consumption of the working fluid with a slight decrease in the effective engine power. So compared with a decrease in effective power, the effective flow rate of the working fluid is reduced 4.2 times more. Therefore, given this, ensuring a change in the degree of filling in the widest possible range is mandatory when designing new rotary piston engines

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