Dwindling Reading Culture In The Internet Era And The Imperative For Lifelong Reading


Abstract This paper discusses dwindling reading culture in the internet era and presented a succinct imperative for lifelong reading. The paper examined reading, reading culture, lifelong reading, the internet era and its impact on reading culture and the imperative for lifelong reading. There is no doubt that the internet had contributed immensely to education for all. However, the proliferations of the internet and its resources such as social media have brought about shift in concentration from the reading pattern adapted from the inception of civilization to technology freaked society. It emphasized that proliferation of internet and digital media have changed the reading habits and as such it is fast disappearing into the thin air. It also expressed how the internet seems to have reduced the interest in reading of printed materials, vocabulary development, general knowledge and broad mindedness which individuals get from having good reading habits. The paper further identified the format of information resources to read and how to cultivate and sustain life long reading. The paper concluded that right attitude must be inculcated in a child right from infant and parents must encourage their children to read. The study recommended that individual, librarians, book sellers, publishers, teachers, government, mass media and the entertainment industry have distinctive roles to play in restoring our reading culture

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