Business Model of Online Third Party Payment in Taiwan


2012年12月,台灣第三方支付服務業正式被經濟部所明定,然而台灣線上第三方支付服務因為電子商務經營環境之特殊性,並無法完全移植國外PayPal與AliPay之經驗。本研究透過這兩年來廣泛用於討論新創事業的Business Canvas來分析台灣三家第三方支付服務公司之商業模式,搭配經營環境之現況,提出未來可行之行動方向。 本研究認為,台灣第三方支付服務業之「安全」與「便利」已經成為基本的價值主張,業者須提供更加多元與專屬性的服務,以符合特定目標市場之需求,並產生交易手續費之外的收益流以維持企業之營運,就政府立場而言,應適時地放寬法規之限制,並透過資策會等輔導單位協助台灣第三方支付服務業與中國等海外市場銜接,擴大業務規模。本研究屬於初探性質,可作為未來台灣第三方支付服務相關研究之基礎。Until Dec. 2012, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. made an announcement about the definition of third party payment services in Taiwan. Due to Taiwan’s specific e-commerce business environment, it’s hard to directly duplicate those famous third part payment services like PayPal and AliPay into Taiwan market. This research used the well-known business model analysis tool: Business Canvas to analyze three Taiwan’s third party payment cases. The purpose of this research would like to give some suggestions for Taiwan’s third party payment providers and related authorities. In the past, “Safety” and “Convenience” are the value third payment providers emphasized most. However they all turn out to be the fundamental value in Taiwan’s business environment so that Taiwan third party payment providers must seek to other value propositions like “diverse services” and generate other revenues rather than credit card transaction fee. For related authorities, it’s important to loosen the limit of laws and regulations meetly and guide and support Taiwan third party payment providers for entering overseas market like China. This research plays a role of an advanced research in Taiwan third party payment business model

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    Last time updated on 10/04/2020