A Study on the Relationships Among Principals' Leadership Behaviors, Teachers' Organizational Commitment, and School Effectiveness in Senior Vocational Industrial High School
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- 國立政治大學
本研究之主要目的在於探討高級工業職業學校校長領導行為、教師組織承諾、與學校效能的關係。依據研究目的,本研究採用文獻分析法以探討領導理論、組織承諾理論、學校效能理論、及其相關實證研究,以供本研究研擬研究架構之參考;另採問卷調查法以探討校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校效能的關係,以及校長領導行為與教師組織承諾對學校效能的預測情形;並採用個案研究法,進行個案學校之實地觀察與深度訪談,就蒐集之資料進行描述與分析,並對照問卷調查研究結果進行討論與補充。本研究之研究樣本包括我國臺灣地區高級工業職業學校、工農(農工)職業學校、工商(商工)職業學校、工家職業學校、與高中附設工業類科學校教師共1488人;個案研究之學校為二所高級工業職業學校,接受研究者深度訪談之教師計12位。本研究之問卷調查與個案研究資料經分析後,獲致如下之重要發現:一、高級工業職業學校教師對校長領導行為的知覺,因多項教師人口變項與學校背景變項之不同而有顯著差異。1.教師對校長之「關係導向」領導行為的知覺,因教師性別、婚姻狀況、任教科目、職務、年齡、任教年資、學校職類、學校所在地、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師學歷和學校類別之不同而有顯著差異。2.教師對校長之「任務導向」領導行為的知覺,因教師性別、任教科目、職務、年齡、學歷、任教年資、學校類別、學校職類、學校所在地、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師婚姻狀況之不同而有顯著差異。3.教師對校長之「以身作則」領導行為的知覺,因教師任教科目、職務、年齡、任教年資、學校類別、學校職類、學校所在地、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師性別、婚姻狀況、學歷之不同而有顯著差異。二、高級工業職業學校教師之整體組織承諾,因教師婚姻狀況、職務、年齡、任教年資、學校職類、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師性別、任教科目、學歷、學校類別、學校所在地之不同而有顯著差異。三、高級工業職業學校教師對學校效能的知覺,因多項教師人口變項與學校背景變項之不同而有顯著差異。1.教師對整體學校效能的知覺,因教師婚姻狀況、職務、年齡、學歷、任教年資、學校類別、學校職類、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師性別、任教科目、學校所在地之不同而有顯著差異。2.教師對學校效能「學校任務之達成」層面的知覺,因教師婚姻狀況、職務、年齡、學歷、任教年資、學校類別、學校職類、學校所在地、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師性別、任教科目之不同而有顯著差異。3.教師對學校效能「學校成員之滿足」層面的知覺,因教師婚姻狀況、職務、年齡、任教年資、學校類別、學校職類、學校規模之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因教師性別、任教科目、學歷、學校所在地之不同而有顯著差異。四、高級工業職業學校校長領導行為,因其人口變項之不同而有顯著差異。1.校長之「關係導向」領導行為因其年齡、教育背景之不同而有顯著差異,惟不因其擔任校長年資、服務經歷之不同而有顯著差異。2.校長之「任務導向」領導行為因其年齡、擔任校長年資、服務經歷、教育背景之不同而有顯著差異。3.校長之「以身作則」領導行為因其年齡、擔任校長年資、服務經歷、教育背景之不同而有顯著差異。五、高級工業職業學校校長之「關係導向」、「任務導向」、「以身作則」領導行為,與教師之整體組織承諾之間具有顯著的正相關,其中校長之「關係導向」領導行為與教師之整體組織承諾的相關最高,其次為「以身作則」領導行為,再其次則為「任務導向」領導行為。六、高級工業職業學校校長領導行為與學校效能呈顯著正相關。1.校長之「關係導向」、「任務導向」、「以身作則」領導行為與整體學校效能均呈顯著的正相關,其中以「關係導向」領導行為與整體學校效能的相關最高,其次為「以身作則」領導行為,再其次是「任務導向」領導行為。2.校長之「關係導向」、「任務導向」、「以身作則」領導行為,與學校效能「學校任務之達成」層面呈顯著正相關,其中以「以身作則」領導行為與「學校任務之達成」的相關最高,其次為「關係導向」領導行為,再其次則是「任務導向」領導行為。3.校長之「關係導向」、「任務導向」、「以身作則」領導行為,與學校效能「學校成員之滿足」層面呈顯著正相關,其中以「關係導向」領導行為與「學校成員之滿足」的相關最高,其次為「以身作則」領導行為,再其次則是「任務導向」領導行為。七、高級工業職業學校教師組織承諾與學校效能呈顯著正相關。1.教師之整體組織承諾與整體學校效能具有顯著的正相關,且教師組織承諾之「努力意願」、「留職意願」、「組織認同」、「人事制度之認同」、「高層次工作動機」與整體學校效能均呈顯著的正相關。2.教師之整體組織承諾與學校效能「學校任務之達成」層面具有顯著的正相關,且教師組織承諾之「努力意願」、「留職意願」、「組織認同」、「人事制度之認同」、「高層次工作動機」與學校效能「學校任務之達成」層面具有顯著的正相關。3.教師之整體組織承諾與學校效能「學校成員之滿足」層面具有顯著的正相關,且教師組織承諾之「努力意願」、「留職意願」、「組織認同」、「人事制度之認同」、「高層次工作動機」與學校效能「學校成員之滿足」層面具有顯著的正相關。八、高級工業職業學校校長領導行為、教師組織承諾、與學校效能之間有顯著的相關。「校長領導行為」及「教師組織承諾」(X變項),經由七個典型因素可解釋「學校效能」(Y變項)變項總變異量的38.927% ,但X變項經由第一個典型因素(χ 1)可解釋Y變項總變異量的32.905% 最高。九、高級工業職業學校校長領導行為及教師組織承諾對學校效能具有顯著的預測效果。1.教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」、「組織認同」、「努力意願」、和「人事制度之認同」,以及校長領導行為之「任務導向」層面和「關係導向」層面,共可解釋整體學校效能的變異量達 66.035%,其中以教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」具有最大的預測力,且校長之「任務導向」領導行為較「關係導向」領導行為更具預測力。2.教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」、「努力意願」、「組織認同」、和「人事制度之認同」,以及校長領導行為之「任務導向」層面和「關係導向」層面,共可解釋學校效能「學校任務之達成」層面的變異量達 56.607%,其中以教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」具有最大的解釋力,且校長之「任務導向」領導行為較「關係導向」領導行為更具預測力。3.教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」、「組織認同」、「人事制度之認同」、和「努力意願」,以及校長領導行為之「關係導向」層面、「任務導向」層面、和「以身作則」層面,共可解釋學校效能「學校成員之滿足」層面的變異量達 62.360%,其中以教師組織承諾之「高層次工作動機」具有最大的解釋力,且校長之「關係導向」領導行為較「任務導向」和「以身作則」領導行為更具預測力。十、個案研究之主要發現如下:1.在A校,現任校長表現低關係導向、低任務導向、和低以身作則領導行為,教師組織承諾低落,學校效能亦相當的低落;前任校長表現高關係導向、中等程度之任務導向、和高以身作則領導行為,教師組織承諾屬中低程度,「學校任務之達成」層面呈現中等程度之效能,「學校成員之滿足」層面呈現中高程度之效能,因此,個案研究發現校長領導行為確實影響學校之組織效能。2.在B校,前任與現任校長同是表現高任務導向和高以身作則領導行為,前任校長表現低關係導向領導行為,而現任校長表現中高程度之關係導向領導行為,雖然學校教師之組織承諾並未見顯著的提高,但學校效能似乎有明顯的提高。3.A校前任校長表現高度的以身作則領導行為,在「學校任務之達成」層面具有中等程度之效能,而在「學校成員之滿足」層面則具有中高程度之效能,惟現任校長表現極低的以 身作則領導行為,學校效能則每下愈況,因此,個案研究發現校長之以身作則領導行為對學校效能亦具有影響作用。4.A校在現任校長領導下,依據深度訪談結果發現,教師整體組織承諾相當的低,而實地觀察與深度訪談結果均發現,整體學校效能亦相當的低;B校在現任校長領導下,依據深 度訪談結果發現,教師整體組織承諾呈中高程度,因此,個案研究發現教師組織承諾對學校效能亦具有影響作用。本研究依據上述研究發現,提出下列建議:一、對教育行政主管機關的建議1.定期辦理校長領導效能之研習活動。2.適時激勵資深校長之教育使命感。3.積極獎掖辦學績優的私立學校,且應避免對公立學校過度的保護。4.高級工業職業學校評鑑工作應著重學校效能的評鑑,且應掌握工業職業學校的特性。二、對高級工業職業學校及校長的建議:1.校長宜展現高度之「關係導向」、「任務導向」、與「以身作則」領導行為。2.校長應肯定教師的努力,以激勵教師之高層次工作動機。3.校長應適度調整教師職務,增加教師擔任行政職務的機會。4.校長應重視兩性平等,並多關懷和鼓勵女性教師。5.學校宜重視教師的生涯發展。三、對高級工業職業學校教師的建議:1.教師在填答問卷及接受訪談時,宜避免過度的情緒化反應,或因有所顧忌而作不實的反應。2.教師宜體認教育工作是其發揮才能的最適當工作,學校是其施展理想抱負、完成自我實現的最適切場所。3.教師應將學校效能的良窳,歸因為教師本身對學校教育工作的投入程度與努力程度,主動擔負提高學校效能的責任。4.教師宜致力引發校長展現高度的「關係導向」、「任務導向」、和「以身作則」領導行為。四、對未來研究的建議1.有系統的探討我國領導哲學,以建構本土化的領導理論。2.建立各級各類技職學校組織效能之評量指標,俾利於有效評量技職學校之組織效能。3.建立高級工業職業學校學生基本能力之標準化測驗,俾利於有效評量學生之學習成就。4.重視高級工業職業學校「全面品質管理」的研究,以其塑造良好的學校文化,提昇學校學校的組織效能。5.重視高級工業職業學校「教學領導」的研究,以期提昇校長教學領導效能。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among principals' leadership behaviors, teachers' organizational commitment, and school effectiveness.This Study adopted documentary analysis to discuss leadership theories, organizational commitment theories, school effectiveness theories , and empirical studies of relationships among principals' leadership organizational commitment theories, school effectiveness theories, and empirical studies of relationships among principals' leadership behaviors, teachers' organizational commitment, and school effectiveness. Three questionnaires, "Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire", "Organizational Commitment Questionnaire", and "School effectiveness Questionnaire", were designed and administered to 56 senior vocational industrial high schools. The samples included 1488 teachers. The statistic methods of t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze datas obstained from questionnaire survey. After questionnaire investigation, two schools were selected for case study. The methods of obser-vation and in-depth interview were utilized to explore principals' leadership behaviors, teachers' organizational commitment, and school effectiveness for complementing and explaining the results of questionnaire investigation.After statistic analysis and analysis of case study, the important findings were as follows:Ⅰ. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of principals' leadership behaviors in terms of some teachers' demographic variables and school background variables.A. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of principals' "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior in terms of the teachers' sex, marital status, profession, duty, age, seniority, school location, vocational school category, and school scale,but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' academic degree and public/private school.B. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior in terms of the teachers' sex, profession, duty, age, academic degree, seniority, vocational school category, school location, school scale, and public/ private school,but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' marital status.C. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior in terms of the teachers' profession, duty, age, seniority, vocational school category, school location, school scale, and public/private school, but no signifi-cant differences in terms of the teachers' sex, marital status, and academic degree.Ⅱ. There were significant differences in the teachers' organizational commitment in terms of the teachers' marital status, duty, age, seniority, vocational school category, and school scale, but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' sex, profession, academic degree, school location, and public/private school.Ⅲ. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of school effectiveness in terms of some teachers' demographic variables and school background variables.A. There were significant differences in the teachers' perception of total school effectiveness in terms of the teachers' marital status, duty, age, academic degree, seniority, vocational school category, school scale, and public/private school, but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' sex, profession, and school location.B. There were significant differences in the teachers' percepion of the dimension of "school task attainment" in terms of the teachers' marital status,duty, age, academic degree, seniority, vocational school category, school location, school scale, and public/private school, but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' sex and profession.C. There were significant differences in the teachers' percepion of the dimension of "school members' satisfaction" in terms of the teachers' marital status, duty, age, seniority, vocational school category,school scale, and public/private school, but no significant differences in terms of the teachers' sex, profession, academic degree, and school location.Ⅳ. There were significant differences among principals' leadership behavior in terms of some principals' leadership behavior in terms of some principals' demographic variables.A. There were significant differences among principals' "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior in terms of the principals' age and educational background, but no significant differences in terms of the principals' seniority and teaching experience.B. There were significant differences among principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior in terms of the principals' age, seniority, teaching experience and educational background.C. There were significant differences among "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior in terms of the principals' age, seniority, teaching experience and educational background.Ⅴ. There were significant positive correlation between principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment-the Pearson r equal .6428 between principals' " relationship-oriented " leadership behaviorand teachers' organizational commitment, the Pearson r equal .6278 between "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior and teachers' organizational commitment, and the Pearson r equal .5068 between principals' "task- oriented" leadership behavior and teachers' organizational commitment.Ⅵ. There were significant positive correlation between principals' leadership behaviors and school effectiveness.A. There were significant positive correlation between principals' leadership behaviors and total school effectiveness-the Pearson r equal .6479 between principals' "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior and total school effectiveness, the Pearsonr equal .6342 between "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior and total school effectiveness, and the Pearson r equal .5845 between principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior and total school effectiveness.B. There were significant positive correlation between principals' leadership behaviors and school effectiveness in the dimension of "school task attainment'-the Pearson r equal .5739 between "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior and "school task attainment", the Pearson r equal .5715 between principals' "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior and "school task attainment", and the Pearson r equal .5519 between principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior and "school task attainment".C. There were significant positive correlation between principals' leadership behaviors and school effectiveness in the dimension of "school members' satisfaction''-the Pearson r equal .6635 between principals' "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior and "school members' satisfaction", the Pearson r equal .6275 between "principals' example-setting" leadership behavior and "school members' satisfaction", and the Pearson r equal .5438 between principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior and "school members' satisfaction".Ⅶ. There were significant positive correlation between teachers'organizational commitment and school effectiveness.A. There were significant positive correlation between teachers' organizational commitment and total school effectiveness-the Pearson r equal .7128 between teachers' "high-level working motivation" and total, school effectiveness, the Pearson r equal .6956 between teachers' "organizational identification" and total school effectiveness, the Pearson r equal .6269 between teachers' "volition to make efforts" and total school effectiveness, the Pearson r equal .5547 between teachers' "volition to stay" and total school effectiveness' and the Pearson requal .4559 between teachers' "sympathy with school personnel system" and total school effectiveness.B. There were significant positive correlation between teachers' organizational commitment and school effectiveness in the dimension of "school task attainment'-the Pearson requal .6503 between teachers' "high-level.working motivation" and "school task attainment", the Pearson r equal .6371 between teachers' "organizatioal identification" and "school task attainment", the Pearson r equal .6069 between teachers' "volition to make efforts" and "school task attainment", the Pearson r equal .4918 between teachers' "volition to stay" and "school task attainment", and the.Pearson requal. 4115 between teachers' "sympathy with school personnel system" and "school task attainment".C. There were significant positive correlation between teachers' organizational commitment and school effectiveness in the dimension of "school members' satisfaction''-the Pearson r equal .6974 between teachers' "high-level working motivation" and "school members' satisfaction", the Pearson requal .6769 between teachers' "organizatioal Identification" and "school members' satisfaction", the Pearson r equal .5641 between teachers' "volition to stay" and "school members' satisfaction", the Pearson r equal .5609 between teachers' "volition to make efforts" and "school members' satisfaction", and the Pearson r equal .4527 between teachers' "symphathy with school personnel system" and "school members satisfaction".Ⅷ. Variable X ( including principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment) was able to explain 38.93% of the total variance of variable Y (school effectiveness) through seven canonical factors, among which 32.91% of total variance through the first factor(x1) was the largest proportion.Ⅸ. Principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment were excellent and effective predictors of school effectiveness.A. Principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment were able to explain 66.035% of variance on total school effectiveness, among which teachers' "high-level working motivation" was the best predictor, and principals "task-oriented" leadership behavior was more predictive than "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior.B. Principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment were able to explain 56.607% of variance on school effectiveness in the dimension of "school task attainment", among which teachers' "high-level working motivation" was the best predictor, and principals' "task-oriented" leadership behavior was more predictive than "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior.C. Principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment were able to explain 56.60% of variance on school effectiveness in the dimension of "school members' satisfaction", among which teachers' "high-level working motivation" was the best predictor, and principals "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior was more predictive than "task-oriented" leadership behavior.X. The important findings of case study were as follows:A. Teachers' organizational commitment and school effectiveness were approaching low level with principals' low "relationship-oriented", low "task-oriented", and low "principals' example-setting" leadership behaviors.B. In facilitation school effectiveness, high "relationship-oriented" leadership behavior was better than low "relationship-oriented" when principals exhibit high "task-oriented" and high "principals' example-setting" leadership behaviors. But there was low effect on facilitating teachers' organizational commitment by principals' leadership behaviors, because teachers' organizational commitment were affected by other organizational factors and teachers' personal factors simultaneously.C. In facilitating school effectiveness, principals' "task-oriented" and "relationship-oriented" leadership behaviors were better than "principals example-setting".D. There were very low relationship between principals' leadership behaviors and teachers' "volition to stay", and there were very low relationship between teachers' "volition to stay" and school effectiveness.Based upon these findings, suggestions were made:Ⅰ. Suggestions to educational administration agency:A. To hold "principals' leadership effectiveness" seminar regularly.B. To excite senior principals' sense of educational mission in the right time.C. To encourage effective private schools and avoid over protection for public schools.D. To focus school evaluation on school effectiveness and base it on characteristics of vocational industrial high school.Ⅱ. Suggestions to vocational industrial high school and principals:A. Principals ought to exhibit high "relationship-oriented", high "task-oriented", and high "principals' example-setting" leadership behaviors.B. Principals ought to praise industrious teachers to arouse teachers' high-level working motivation.C. principals ought to arrange administrative duty appropriately for the most of teachers and transfer teachers' duty regularly.D. Principals ought to put emphasis on the sex equality, encourage, and show concern toward female teachers.E.To pay much attention to teachers' career development in every school.Ⅲ. Suggestions to teachers:A. Teachers ought to avoid over emotional reaction when you fill in the questionnaire or are interviewed, and teachers ought to avoid untrue response for some scruples.B. Teachers ought recognize that teaching is the best work to bring your profession into vocation and to achieve self-actualization.C. Teachers have to shoulder the responsibility to raise school effectiveness, because school effectiveness is concerned with teachers' efforts and work-involvement.D. Teachers ought to induce your principal to exhibit high "relationship-oriented", high "task-oriented", and high "principals' example-setting" leadership behaviors.Ⅳ. Suggestions to the future research:A. To research Chinese leadership philosophy for providing reference to construct native leadership theory.B. To establish evaluation index of organizational effectiveness of technological and vocational schools for providing reference to evaluate the school effectiveness conveniently and effectively.C. To establish students' basic skills in standardized tests for evaluating student's achievement conveniently and effectively.D. To pay much attention to total quality management (TQM) research for providing reference to cultivate good school culture and to facilitate school effectiveness.E. To pay much attention to instructional leadership research for providing reference to facilitate principals' instructional leadership effectiveness