價值鏈管理之探討 -- 以利豐貿易為例


目前經濟的主軸環繞著三大趨勢:通聯資訊科技,貿易的全球化與知識經濟運轉。資訊決定議價能力,全球化使競爭更加激烈,「微利」為成熟產業的普遍現象。「模式創新」成為企業永續經營的惟一途徑。 利豐貿易,成立於1906年,一家歷經三代家族經營的代辦採買貿易公司,在80年代,歷經組織重組與營業模式的創新,發展成為目前旗下擁有香港最大的出口貿易公司,市值達數百億港元的大貿易商利豐貿易(0494)與經營供應鏈整合的利豐經銷與零售業(ok便利店與玩具反斗城)之利豐零售。 “利豐貿易”的發展與管理備受各界關注,《哈佛商業評論》主編瓊安.瑪格瑞塔(Joan Magretta)於編選《新經濟時代管理大師觀點》(Managing in the New Economy)時,將其與“戴爾電腦”(Dell Computer)並列為最佳觀念實踐的公司。 “利豐貿易”透過解構價值鏈與現代網路資訊科技的運用,將危機化為轉機,首創「分散式生產」模式,從其全球供應網絡中,找出最符合客戶需求的解決方案。此模式後來廣為其同業所採用,且有愈來愈多的大型製造業亦開始 採用此種作業模式。 本研究為探討性研究,透過學術界(主要為哈佛大學)對個案公司的訪談與案例 資料的研讀與整理、個案公司資料的收集與整理,歸納研究在目前這個被稱為新(資訊)經濟環境下,一個經營傳統產業的企業如何透過供應鏈的創新與現代化的管理,實現其價值訴求使企業營收成長並持續獲利倍增。The mainstream of the world economy currently are: Net Communication Technology, Trade Globalization and Knowledge Econolmy. Information decided the power of bargaining, globalization makes competition tougher than before, "No profit" or "tiny" profit becomes the general situation for any mutual industry, "remodelize your business type"is the only way for your enterprise's survival. Li & Fung Ltd. formed in 1906, after serveral restucture and remodeling,in the age of 80, becomes the largest trading company of HK, listed in HK exchange market (code 0494) with value more than billions of HK$, the family also own Li & Fung Retailing and Li & Fung distribution. The management and development of "Li & Fung Ltd" were eyecatching by different people, Joan Magretta, the editor of "Harvard Business Review" has classified it together with "Dell corporation" as the best practice company in her " Managing in the New Economy" "Li & Fung Ltd" by using modern information technology to destructure their value chain, turn their weakness to strength, initial "loose coupled control" manufacuring model, to provide theit customer best solution from their world wide supplier network. The supply model suddenly becomes the general model for the industry, and more and more large manufacture adopt such model. This report is a reasearch study, through reading papers, company's inforamtion and interviewed some peer companies to conclude that how a traditional company to make themself so successful in the "New Economy" environment and what can we learn from it

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