
N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the AdS/SCFT correspondence


This dissertation reviews various aspects of the N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory in particular in relation with the AdS/CFT correspondence. The first two chapters are introductory. The first one contains a description of the general properties of rigid supersymmetric theories in four dimensions both at the classical and at the quantum level. The second chapter is a review of the main properties of the N=4 SYM theory under consideration. Original results are reported in chapters 3, 4 and 5. A systematic re-analysis of the perturbative properties of the theory is presented in the third chapter. Two-, three- and four-point Green functions of elementary fields are computed using the component formulation and/or the superfield approach and subtleties related to the gauge-fixing are pointed out. In the fourth chapter, after an introduction to instanton calculus in supersymmetric gauge theories, the computation of the one-instanton contributions to Green functions of gauge invariant composite operators in the semiclassical approximation is reported. The calculations of four-, eight- and sixteen-point Green functions of operators in the supercurrent multiplet are reviewed in detail. The final chapter is devoted to the AdS/SCFT correspondence. Some general aspects are discussed. Then the attention is focused on the relation between instantons in N=4 SYM and D-instanton effects in type IIB string theory. The comparison between instanton contributions to Green functions of composite operators in the boundary field theory and D-instanton generated terms in the amplitudes computed in type IIB string theory is performed and agreement between these two sources of non-perturbative effects is shown.Comment: 228 pages, Ph.D. thesis, LaTeX2e, uses the feynmp, fencyhdr, graphicx and AMS package

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