Developing Secret Code Card for Students’ Writing Ability


Indonesian students’ ability in writing English is actually less than expectations. Commonly some lacks in writing English are English vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, this study focuses on developing Secret Code Cards to increasing students’ ability in writing descriptive text. Type of this study is Research and Development (R&D). Some steps in this kind of study are self-evaluation, expert review and one-to-one, small group, and field test. The subjects of the research were the eighth graders of junior high school in Metro. From the steps conducted by the researcher there are some revisions of the product from the first prototype. The revisions are addition of bright colour and instruction, clearer instruction, more understandable words, and also to make the product in bigger shape. In the field test the students responded well and got interested in using the product. It means that the product can be used effectively in helping the students and make them interested in writing descriptive text. Based on the finding, the researcher concludes that Secret Code Card is an effective English learning media in writing descriptive text for the eighth graders. The researcher also concludes that students will become more interested in learning English by using playful learning media like Secret Code Card in the class

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