Utilization of online real–time feedback application service “Mentimeter” in the lecture of Operative Dentistry for steps in order to pass the National Board Dental Examination at Matsumoto Dental University


Summary Many attempts to utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools have been made to promote active and interactive learning between teachers and students. A major area has been the introduction of education using clickers for dental students, and some reports indicated their effects. However, the introduction of mobile devices and software and their maintenance and management very costly. On the other hand, almost allundergraduate students of Matsumoto Dental University have a smartphone, and can connect to the Internet in the lecture room. Therefore, we conducted online exercises to pre- pare for the National Board Dental Examination using students’ smartphones and the online real–time voting service“Mentimeter” at the lecture of Operative Dentistry for 6th–year dental students of Matsumoto Dental University, in the school year of 2019. We also conducted some anonymous online questionnaires using Mentimeter. Thirty percent of the participating students answered that they were not good at conservation and restoration studies. Although 97% of students answered that the test questions conducted in the exercise using Mentimeter were difficult, 92% of the students answered that the exercise was effective in deepening their knowledge of Operative Dentistry. The results of the questionnaires suggested the effectiveness of the interactive lecture using Mentimeter in order to deepen and retain knowledge of Operative Dentistry

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