Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Nurse Turnover Intention


In the United States, the high turnover rate of registered nurses and indications of a future shortage of registered nurses is detrimental to healthcare organizations. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine whether, in hospitals, work engagement and job satisfaction predicted registered nurse turnover intention. The theoretical framework was Fishbein and Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action. Probability sampling was used to identify 155 participants, all full-time registered nurses with 2 or more years of employment in New York hospitals. Data, obtained from surveys, were analyzed via multiple linear regression. The results revealed that only job satisfaction predicted turnover intention among the nurses sampled, (F (5,154) = 12.008, p <.001. R2 = .287. The results indicated that low work engagement is not necessarily an indication of job dissatisfaction or of an individual’s intention to leave a job. Leaders of healthcare organizations might lower nurse turnover intention by focusing on improving job satisfaction. Specifically, by addressing the issues identified from regular job satisfaction surveys, and by a greater emphasis on creating a satisfying workplace, overall job satisfaction might be increased. The potential increased stability of the registered nurse workforce and the potential cost savings resulting from lower turnover could contribute to positive social change by improving the delivery of health services and by enhancing the healthcare experiences of patients, their families, and the surrounding communities

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