Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado Acadêmico em Estudos Literários da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus Professor José Ribeiro Filho, para obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Literários. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Miguel Nenêve.José Eustásio Rivera's novel Voragem might be read as a "political instrument" suggesting a clear denunciation of the inhuman conditions of rubber exploitation in the Colombian jungle and in the Amazon in general. We may argue that the novel invites the reader to reflect on, the memories of its narrators and reveals an intricate relation between fiction and history. The constructed scene reveals a discourse driven by a morality tied to the interests of the colonizer. This allows us to promote a postcolonial/decolonial reading and discussion, as we analyze the colonial encounters visible in Rivera´s work.. Therefore, in this dissertation we aim at studying the way in which the Amazonian space, as well as the characters and the time are constructed in A Voragem, taking into account the socio-historical aspects. We use the theoretical support of several postcolonial/decolonial critics, such as Frantz Fanon, Ramon Grosfoguel, Enrique Dussel and Walter Mignolo, representatives of American / Decolonial studies that will help us to exploit the colonial relations between the rubber tapper and the owner of the plantation, that is, between the colonizer and the colonized.