Aids Awareness, Knowledge And Attitude Amongst The Senior Secondary School Teachers In East Delhi Schools


Research Problem: What is the level of awareness about AIDS amongst senior secondary school teach­ers? Objective: To study the level of awareness, knowl­edge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS amongst senior secondary school teachers. Study Design: Cross-sectional study by question­naire method. Setting: 2 randomly selected government schools of East. Delhi. Sample Size: 74 school teachers. Study Variables: Mode of transmission, preventive measures, social outcasting, Family Life Style Edu­cation. Statistical Analysis: By tests of significance. Result: 25.6% respondents thought that HIV/AIDS was curable after IEC intervention. In general, the awareness level increased after the IEC intervention. 77% of the teachers recommended that Family Life Style Education should be started from middle school level onwards. 47.2% recommended doctors as the most suitable persons to impart the same

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